Ayurveda and Yoga

The more you let ayurveda and yoga become the basis for your living , the easier living gets.

Holistic Health In Himalaya

We offer treatement based on the concept of ayurveda ,yoga, energy therapy like healing touch which is in practice from thousands of years in the himalayan region.

Using the herbs,minerals found widely in the himalayan belt of nepal,we help our patient to find balance between MIND ,BODY & SOUL.

Our Services

Ayurveda Consultation

Ayurveda Consultation

Ayurveda believes people get disease due to imbalance in physiology of body. Ayurvedic consultation includes personal pulse assessment ,diet recommendation to restore balance. Ayurveda counselor/therapist supports people that are interested in re-searching a healthy and happy life.



Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means “five actions” or “five treatments”. This is a process used to clean the body of toxic materials left by disease, poor nutrition and environmental toxins. Normally the body has the innate ability to efficiently process and remove these waste materials, including the vitiated doshas.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch

Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Artemesia Oil Production

Artemesia Oil Production

Artemisia vulgaris, also known as Mugwort or Titepati in Nepali, belongs to the family of the wholesome bitter herb Wormwood; the name was given because of its warming qualities. Mugwort is known as a weed and its healing powers are usually underestimated. We produce and use this essential oil for healing touch therapy as it takes out negative energy from the body and produces positive energy in body.

Healing touch Training

Healing touch Training

Duration: 1month Time : 8:00 AM – 10:00 aM Venue : Naramada Health Home Price : NRs 30,000 For more Detail Email Us : info@narmadahealth.com.np

Ayurveda Therapy Training

Ayurveda Therapy Training

Duration: 2 months Time : 8:00 AM – 10:00 aM Venue : Naramada Health Home Price : NRs 50,000 For more Detail Email Us : info@narmadahealth.com.np

Get the rejuvinating whole body massage theraoy and invigorating steam bath for 60 minutes only in NRs 1000

Contact us


Our Story



November 10, 2019

Generally people say you are what you eat. Before, people used to select food very wisely and eat accordingly. But again they had problems in their body due to imbalance in diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda has already said we are what we digest. Here we need to know some information about digestion or Agni


Choose meat product far from our genetic code

November 21, 2019

The food which we eat becomes us. We should eat for our physical body and mental body. We should not eat something that can make complexity inside us.